Being an electrician, I work very closely to a range of different people in various trades and levels of expertise. A normal day on site would have me liaise with every person whose job impacts mine, or mine theirs. Depending on the day, this could be anywhere between five to twenty people.
The blokes I find most accommodating and easy to work with are the plumbers. From my experience, a plumber is a no-fuss type of person. Plumbers get the job done quickly and efficiently, and it makes working with them significantly easier. They’ve also got great on-site banter, having seen some things that the rest of us couldn’t even imagine. I reckon you’d have some stories to tell after excavating a blocked sewer. Melbourne plumbers all seem to be genuinely great blokes and true professionals, and I admire the work that they do.
I recently had a plumbing disaster at my own home and called up one of the men I met on site to help me out. He was fantastic. Worked hard and even came out on the weekend to help me. He said that human hair was the cause of the problem, it was getting all matted up and caused a blocked drain. Oakleigh homes experience this a lot apparently, which must be something to do with how the suburb was designed years ago. The job, which looked incredibly complicated to me, was finished in no time at all and he even offered my family advice on what to do so that we wouldn’t have any blocked drains again.
I am continually impressed with the level of professionalism plumbers have, and aim to achieve the same level with my own clients.
I will most definitely be helping this bloke out if he ever needs any help with his power. I won’t even charge him, that’s how much he’s helped me. I definitely appreciate his effort.