Future Bathtub Remodels

Hello everyone! Jackie’s parents’ Chrissy and Kyle here. Our daughter has asked us to throw in our two cents worth on her class-clown-like behaviour. She’s always loved pushing the boundaries with jokes and making jokes at our expense. It’s never been done in a mean way and her jokes are always said in jest. She’s just a trickster; she always has been – and we love her for it. 

She lives out of home now and we see her around twice a week. Seeing her is the highlight of our week, even when she jokes and asks us whether we’ve started saving for the bathtub remodel costs we’ll be incurring in the next couple of years. Let me just reiterate that we are freshly fifty. We are very young in comparison to other couples with children our age. We are healthy, able-bodied and likely to go backpacking through Europe next year. We won’t need any bathroom modifications any time soon.

We know our daughter wants us to discuss her funny jokes and the like, but we actually want to take this opportunity to publicly tell her how much we love her. She is the best, most caring person in the entire world. She’s so loving and caring even when she makes jokes about our inevitable bathtub conversion. In the Sydney area, everyones’ lives are made better by the fact that she’s around. Even people who don’t know her are fortunate that she’s just in their vicinity. 

We raised a young woman who is strong, independent, cares deeply, loves fearlessly and is just an all-around incredible person. We wholeheartedly love her and thank our lucky stars for her every day. We would take a lifetime of jokes about our old age to spend time with her. We are so excited to begin our adult lives together. Just as she said, our relationship has developed so strongly in recent years.