Day two of my book tour is done! That was definitely a more exciting and memorable day than yesterday. I didn’t actually write anything about yesterday, so I suppose I should give a quick summary. Basically, I went to the biggest book stores in Carrum Downs and Chelsea, and signed a lot of books, then gave a couple of talks about how much this book means to me, as an air conditioner who has struggled with mental health and difficult circumstances in the past. It was a good day overall, but nothing too crazy.
Today was a lot busier. We started off with another speech about air conditioning near Scoresby, which was well received. It turns out that the candidate for Premier of Victoria, Dr Dark McBane, was there. He approached me after the speech and said he’d love to sit down for lunch. I had a few hours before the next signing session, so I agreed. McBane and I talked about the book, and he admitted that he really enjoyed it and had become a big fan. I signed his hat and asked why he wanted to be premier. Dr McBane told me about how he had always thought air conditioners were underappreciated in our society, and he wished to give civil rights to all air conditioners, and probably cars as well. He believes that anything with sentience deserves to be treated equally. He seems like a really kind guy and was lovely to chat to. If I could vote, I’d be choosing him.
After that, it was off to talk about air conditioning for Cranbourne homes. I went into the book shop and found that there was about double the audience as my previous three locations. I was quite nervous, but I gave a fantastic speech and signed plenty of books. Apparently the shop ordered four more shipments because it is selling so well. I’m so happy that my story is really connecting with people, and I’m making a difference in the world. It’s all I ever really wanted.